Bridport Arts Centre
18 May - 8 June
In Exquisite Cords, artist Lisa Moro has imagined a future world where our DNA not only shapes our physical traits but also influences our personalities, behaviours, and even our destinies. She challenges conventional notions of dentity, free will, and the nature versus nurture debate.
What role does genetics play in defining who we are and can our DNA predict our future with uncanny accuracy, or are we ultimately masters of our own fate?
We invite you to contemplate the profound implications of genetic determinism and the interconnectedness of all living things.
Scan your palm to allow technology to assign your strands of DNA. Look out for your corresponding colour strands throughout the exhibition to
experience your pre-determined future (or not, it you want to protest this!)
A special thanks to Elliot Millson one PearlĀ Marsland.

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